Fellowship Recipients


David Villani, History. Les Rouges et les Noirs: French Communism, African Nationalism, and the Creation of Post-War Anti-Colonialism.
Honorable Mentions:
Haikun Liu, Economics. Altruism of Aid: Analysis of Canadian Official Development Assistance (ODA) into Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Nanaama Awotwe Arkorful, ISF. Good Governance: Effects on Enhancing Educational Access and Equity in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Elias Nepa, Sociology. Politics, Culture, and Action: Political Assertions in the Sud Kivu Province.
Honorable Mention:
Sayana Lee, Interdisciplinary Studies.  Attempting to understand the knowledge, perspectives, and practices of people living in Chilinza, Malawi on the topic of malaria.


Samba Kane, Linguistics. Perfective Aspect and Order of Affixation in Pulaar.


Danielle Kaye, Global Studies. Livelihoods in Crisis: Threats to Senegal’s Artisanal Fishing Communities.


Alexander Casendino, Political Science. ECOWAS Interventions: Restructuring the Responsibility to Protect.
Serena Patel, Energy Engineering and Energy and Resources. A franchise model to empower informal settlements with renewable energy and employment.

Ezera Research for African Students


Jane Mango Angar, Political Science. Investigating the Accessibility of the Electoral Process for Persons with Disabilities in Kenya.


Mickey Boakye, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Does transportation network architecture predict hydraulic failure in leaves?
Mikail Aliyu, Public Health. Exploring the impact of expanded youth contraception access on economic growth in Nigeria.


Selina Makana, African American Studies.


Tendro Ramaharitra, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.



Charles Kirubi, Energy and Resources Group.


Charles Kirubi, Energy and Resources Group.
Mahad Ibrahim, Information Management.


Zewdineh Beyene, Law (Boalt Hall).


Khalid Medani, Political Science.


Khalid Medani, Political Science.


Khalid Medani, Political Science.

Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants


Lindsay Hatch, Linguistics. Atchan language documentation project.


Lindsay Hatch, Linguistics. Documenting Atchan.


Sayana Lee, Interdisciplinary Studies. Malaria: knowledge, practices, and perspectives of people living in Chilinza, Malawi.

2021 - Judith Geist Fellowship

Elias Nepa, Sociology. Coming of Age in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Cynthia Rahman, Global Studies, Homebound Migrant Experiences_ Rebuilding Senegal With and Without France in an Era of Post-colonial Struggle.

2021 - Carl Rosberg Fellowship

Liya Mulugeta, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Computer Science Education in Ethiopia.
Victoria Osanyinpeju, Conservation and Resource Studies/Global Poverty and Practice. Land Grabs and Legal Empowerment in Nigeria: How Are Land Markets Evolving in Peri- Urban Regions Near the Lagos Metropolitan Area?


Danielle Kaye, Global Studies. Artisanal Fishing in Senegal: Livelihood Threats and Adaptation Strategies.
Jasmine Sozi, Ethnic Studies. It’s a Racialized World After All: A Transnational Study of Oakland, California and Durban, South Africa as Sites of Racialized, Yet Resistant Geographies.


E. McCullough, Development Studies., Gender & Women's Studies. The Frontier of Neoliberal Aid.
Laura Goy, Public Health. Reformist Revolutions in Malawi: The Role of Reformed Islamic and Christian Congregations in Rural Malawi.


Kerby Lynch, African American Studies. Shadow of Myself: Defining Black Lesbian Genocide in a PostApartheid South Africa.


Emma Woolf, Linguistics. Documenting and describing Guébie.


Ashley Milller, Interdisciplinary Studies. Severe deficits in water and sanitation development in the Kenyan coastal province (specifically Kaloleni), prompting school absenteeism/gender inequity, increased health risk, and economic underdevelopment.


Stephanie Danner, Economics and French. Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Mauritius.


Ernest Honya, Development Studies. Ketwea Bea Nswa: The Politics of Susu in Ghana.


Kristina DhillonAnthropology. Through the Grapevine: Assessing Access to Reproductive Health Education in Ghana.


Akash Patel, Political Economy. The 2010 World Cup's Effect on Xenophobic Violence in Cape Town.
Christina Law, Public Health. Utility of bacteriophages as biocontrol agents for bacillus anthracis.


Grace Newman, Development Studies. Microfinance in Internally Displaced People Camps in Northern Uganda.
Jocelyn Matthews, Middle Eastern Studies. Issues of Representation in African Dance.


Curtis Boyd, History. The Reintegration of Former Soldiers in Sierra Leone.
Evan Wu, Economics., Statistics., Spanish. Applying Friedman Liberalism to South Africa: China's Role in South African Development.


Nick Broten, Political Economy of Industrial Societies. Aid, Implementation, and Tradition in a Ugandan NGO.
Peter Schulte, Conservation and Resource Studies/Comparative Literature. Aquaculture and the Decline of Marine Fisheries in Ghana.


Ileita Lafitte, Anthropology. A Nation Can Rise No Higher than its Woman": A Closer Look at the Gender Equality Movement in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Khieu Thi Tran, Sierra Leone: Finding the Lost Generation in Dislocated Spaces.

Rocca Dissertation Research


Bhavya Joshi, Public HealthReproductive Health Services and Needs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Women in Crisis.
Jane Mango Angar, Political Science. Variations in Victory: Exploring the Diverging Paths of Disability Rights Advocacy in Africa.
Katherine Culbertson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Investigating and overcoming barriers to rainforest restoration in eastern Madagascar.
Gustavo Capela, Anthropology. Waterfront Futures: an ethnographic inquiry of memory, place and environment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Jonathan Tin-Jun Wu, Music, Ethnomusicology. Negotiating Contemporary China-Kenya Relations through Sonic Infrastructures and Musical Imaginaries.
Julia Gannon Raven, Political Science. The Origins of Ethnic Stacking: The design and durability of colonial militaries.
Olufunke Bamidele Fasawe, Public Health. Impact of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF) on primary health care service delivery in Nigeria -- Evaluation of implementation in Kano state, Nigeria.
Purba Chatterjee,
Public HealthSuicide Bereavement and Impact of Stigma on Help-Seeking Behavior in Nairobi, Kenya.
Sarah Idunu Abidla Daniel,
Political Science. Living Apart: Assessing the Impact of Urban Segregation in East Africa.
Uyanga Byambaa, Economics. Cognitive enrichment and human capital development: Evidence from  school intervention in Malawi.


Auwal Abubakar, Public Health. Perspectives of religious leaders in Bauchi state on childhood immunization.
Andrew Wojtanik, Political Science. Elite Cohesion and Decision-Making in Africa and Beyond.
Bhavya Joshi, Public Health. Reproductive Health Services and Needs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Women in Crisis.
Blake Erhardt-Ohren, Public Health. Barriers and facilitators to safe abortion services and measurement of maternal mortality due to abortion complications among Sudanese refugees in Pariang, South Sudan.
Daniel Agness, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Housing and Human Capital: Condominium Lotteries in Ethiopia.
C. Darius Gordon. Education. ‘We, on the other side’: Black Internationalism in the Lusophone World, 1950s-1980s.
David Qihang Wu, Economics. Employment Agencies and Matching Friction in Ethiopia.
Gwyneth Miner, Economics. Conditional Unemployment Insurance to Incentivize Rural-Urban.
Ifunanya Dibiaezue, Public Health. Using Digital Interventions to Address Adolescent Contraceptive Needs in Nigeria.
Jonathan Wu, Music. Sonic Infrastructures of China-Kenya Relations.
Mikail Aliyu, Public Health. Expanding access to self-administered contraception methods in Nigeria.
Mickey Boakye, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Leaf network architeture, transport efficiency, defense and evolution across vascular plant clades.
Muhammad Zia Mehmood, Haas School of Business and Public Policy. Training with Technology: Lessons from a field experiment with Kenyan MSMEs.
Pierre Biscaye, Agricultural & Resource Economics. Essays in development and environmental economics.
Tamara Kerzhner, City and Regional Planning. The Spatial Planning of Informal Transportation in African Cities.
Veronarindra Ramananjato, Integrative Biology. Cascading impacts of the collapse in mutualistic interactions in tropical forests.
Yao Doe, Public Health. Impact of Introducing a Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Screening Protocol Combined with Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis at Tamale. Teaching Hospital, Ghana


Alejandra Perez Rotondo, Socio-cultural Anthropology. Prophetic religious movements and the ethics of healing in Ethiopia.
Amanda Marr Chung, Public Health. Sustainability of the Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision Program in Zimbabwe.
Annelise Gill-Wiehl, Energy and Resources Program. Nudging Towards a Deeper Understanding of Household Energy and Affordability in Development.
Daniel Agness, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Housing and Human Capital: Condominium Lotteries in Ethiopia.
Luisa Cefala, Economics. Labor Contracting Frictions in Rural Burundi as a Constraint to Technology Take-Up.
Muhammad Zia Mehmood, Haas School of Business. Training with Technology: Lessons from a field experiment with Kenyan MSMEs.
Nicholas Swanson, Economics. Kinship pressure and employee selection.


Annelise Gill-Wiehl, Energy and Resources Program. Nudging Towards a Deeper Understanding of Household Energy and Affordability in Development.
Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Understanding the linkages between land, water, and rural livelihoods in the context of Tanzania's 'green revolution'.
Gustavo Capela, Anthropology. The voices of "we": an ethnographic inquiry of the waterfront communities in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Livia Alfonsi, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Meet Your Future: Job Search Effort and Aspirations of Young Jobseekers.
Nicholas Swanson, Economics. Kinship pressure and employee selection.
S.E. Freeman, Geography. Quantifying Need: Humanitarian Technology and Mobility in South Sudan.
Stephanie Bonds, Economics. Parent Child Preferences and Secondary School Choice: Evidence from Kenya.


Adrian Thomas Wilson, Anthropology. The Economic Imaginaries of Development Randomized Controlled Trials in East Africa.
Allan Cabrero, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Phylogenomics and Diversification of Bee Flies (Bombyliidae).
Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Green revolution style development in Tanzania: Implications for land and water rights for the rural poor.
Hilary Lynd, History. The simultaneous end of apartheid in South Africa and collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union.
Livia Alfonsi, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Meet Your Future: Job Search Effort and Aspirations of Young Jobseekers.
Rachel Fisher, Political Science. Women and the Rise of Political Islam in Senegal and Indonesia.
Raphael Frankfurter, Medical Anthropology. Affects of Global Health Security in Kono District, Sierra Leone.
Sarah Guth, Integrative Biology. Gut microbial communities, viral zoonosis, and reproduction in Madagascar fruit bats.
Stephanie Bonds, Economics. Heterogeneous Benefits and Demand for Secondary Schooling in Kenya.
Tamara Kerzhner, City and Regional Planning. Labor Rights and Passenger Rights in the Transport Sector in Urban Africa.


Allan Cabrero, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Phylogenomics and Diversification of Bee Flies (Bombyliidae).
Catlan Reardon, Political Science. Traditional Rulers, Resource Scarcity, and Violence in Nigeria.
Mokganedi Tatlhego, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The eco-hydrological bearings of dams in developing African environmental settings.
Peter Vale, History. Colonialism Across Borders: Contested Jurisdictions and Colonial Consolidation in Congo and Angola 1899-1978.
Sarah Guth, Integrative Biology. Gut microbial communities, viral zoonosis, and reproduction in Madagascar fruit bats.
Susanna Berkouwer, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Behavioral and market determinants of energy consumption in Kenya.
Veronica Jacome, Energy and Resources Group. Political Economy of Centemporary Electricity Development in Tanzania.


Allison Grossman, Political Science. Obstruct or Enable: Strategic behavior of governments toward humantiarian assistance.
Brittany Birberick, Socio-cultural Anthropology. Sight of the Factory: Eluding Success and Failure in Jeppestown, South Africa.
Christine Wilkinson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Multidisciplinary Mapping: Toward a Better Understanding of Human-Carnivore Conflict and Landscape Use by Carnivores and People.
Hilary Lynd, History. “The Soviet Union is for South Africans a Big Crystal Ball” The National Question and the Cold War’s End.
Melanie Thompson, Political Science. Understanding the Role of Gender: The Unique Path Women Take on The Road to Candidacy in sub-Saharan Africa.
Nancy Ortiz, Public Health-Epidemiology. Influenza Burden and Seasonality Pregnant Women and Infants in Mali.
Peter Vale, History. Colonialism Without Borders: Building the Transnational Benguela Railway 1899-1931.
Susanna Berkouwer, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Behavioral and market determinants of household energy efficiency in a development context.
Veronica Jacome, Energy and Resources Group. East African Electricity Systems and Reliability.


Adam Lichtenheld, Political Science. Making Migrations: The Coercive Use of Forced Displacement in Civil Conflicts.
Brian Klein, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Mining for Territory: Access and Governance in Madagascar's Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector.
Chase Arnold, History. Government Intelligence and the Fall of the First Republic of Ghana.
Christine Wilkinson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Mapping critical areas of human-carnivore conflict in wildlife corridors of the Rift Valley, Kenya.
Juliana Friend, Anthropology. The Pleasures of Pedagogy: Sex Education and Postcolonial Statecraft in Senegal.
Justine Davis, Political Science. Consolidating Democracy: Violence, NGOs and Post-Conflict Democracy Promotion in Côte d’Ivoire.
Melanie Thompson, Political Science. Party Politics and Women in Politics.
Shakirah Hudani, City and Regional Planning. Urban environmentalism and environmental planning in Rwanda.
Wolfgang Alders, Anthropology. Community, social inequality and globalization in Zanzibar, Tanzania: AD 1000-1850.


Aaron Young, City and Regional Planning. A Field of Meaning: The Urban Land Question in South Africa.
Alexis Schaffler, Landscape Architecture. The emergence of multifunctional infrastructure in Johannesburg.
Brittany Birberick, Socio-cultural Anthropology. Photography and urban transformation in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Erin Torkelson, Geography. Black Tax: Gender and Generation in South Africa.
James Mizes, City and Regional Planning. Marketing Dakar: The politics of value in urban West Africa.
Kaitlyn Gaynor, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Wildlife ecology in shared spaces: Effects of human activity on animal behavior, distribution, and population dynamics in post-war Mozambique.
Paul Thissen, Political Science. Legacy Institutions and Political Order in Weak States.
Rachel Strohm, Political Science. Political impacts of welfare expansion in Africa.
Stephen McIsaac, Anthroplogy/Medical Anthropology. The Shifting Terrains of Violence and Trauma in Post-apartheid South Africa.


Adam Lichtenheld, Political Science. Forced migration as a weapon of war.
Adeola Oni-Orisan, Anthropology. Miraculous Motherhood: Pentecostalism, Maternal Mortality, and the Fifth Millennium Development Goal in Southwest Nigeria.
Annah Peterson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Critical ecology of Malagasy rosewood.
Briana Abrahms, Environmental Science., Policy & Management. Movement ecology and conservation genetics of endangered African wild dogs in Southern Africa.
Danny Choi, Political Science. Strongmen or Strawmen: Incumbent Survival in Emerging African Democracies.
Erin Torkelson, Geography. The Black Tax: Gender, Generation and Youth Politics in South Africa.
Lindsay Bayham, Sociology. Social Ties and Socio-economic Mobility in Ghana.
Paul Thissen, Political Science. Order and violence on the edges of weak states: A study of institutional legacies.
Selina Makana, African American Studies. Soldiering Women: Gender and Militarized Armed Struggle in Southern Africa and Cuba.
Sylvan Herskowitz, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Causes and Consequences of Intensive Sports Betting in Uganda.
Youssef Carter, Anthropology. Remembering God: Religious Subjectivities, Spiritual Networks, and Diasporic Existence among African-American and Senegalese Muslims.


Alice Sverdlik, City and Regional Planning. Infrastructure in Nairobi's Informal Settlements.
Caroline Ritter, History. The Cultural Project of the Late British Empire in Africa.
Cheryl Schmitz, Anthropology. Chinese economic and social practices in Angola.
Cullen Goldblatt, Comparative Literature. Political Imagination in Historical Narratives (Thiaroye, Dakar and District Six, Cape Town).
David Dow, Political Science. Political Reconstruction Strategies after Civil War: Coercion, Administration, & Distribution.
Hallie Wells, Anthropology. Malagasy Slam Poetry at the Intersection of Politics, Performance, and Transnational Circulation.
Jason Price, Anthropology. Holy Ghost Inc: Inside a Malawian Ministry of Deliverance.
Joseph Lample, Social and Cultural Studies in Education. Educational Re-contextualization in Uganda.
Joshua Williams, Performance Studies. Performance and Ecology in East Africa.
Katherine Seto, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Fish, Fishers, and Fleets: Marine Resource Competition and the Impacts for Sustainability and Conflict in West Africa.
Marlee Tichenor, Anthropology. Artemisinin and the Senegalese Fight against Malaria.
Peter Dixon, Sociology. International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice, Global Governance, D.R. Congo.
Sam Dubal, Anthropology. Against Humanity: Life, Violence, and Rebellion in an African Postcolony.
Sarah Holcombe, Bixby Center at UC Berkeley. Legal Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ethiopia’s 2005 Reform of Criminal Code on Abortion.
Tristan Nunez, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Hippopotamus Ecology and Conservation in a Changing Kenya.
Victoria Massie, Anthropology. Transnational Uses of Genetic Ancestry Testing Among African Americans.
Youssef Carter, Anthropology. Religious Subjectivities, Spiritual Networks, and Diasporic Existence among African-American and Senegalese Muslims.
Zachary Burt, Energy and Resources Group. Drinking Water Access in Developing Countries.


Aharon de Grassi, Geography. Agricultural Investment and Accumulation in Post-Conflict Oil-Boom Angola.
Allan Mugishagwe, Music. On Choreographing Productive Citizenship: The Cultural Work of Music in NGOs in Uganda.
Caroline Ritter, History. The Cultural Project of the Late British Empire in Africa.
Chelsea Johnson, Political Science. Implementing Peace: Power sharing in post-conflict societies.
Jessica Crewe, Comparative Literature. Distant Reading: Narrative Theory at the Edge of Empire.
Jonathan Cole, History. Medicalizing Maternity: Gender, Health, and the Politics of Reproduction in twentieth-century Senegal.
Kathryn Fiorella, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Natural Resource Use, Livelihoods, and Health Outcomes: Interactions of fishery resources in Western Kenya.
Merrill Baker-Medard, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Sunken Treasures: Marine Conservation & Gendered Resource Use During Madagascar's Political Crisis.
Nicole List, Geography. Negotiating Landed Inequalities: Politics of Urban Land Grabs in Senegal's Dakar Region.
Peter Dixon, Sociology. Transitional Justice in the Congo.
Rachel Niehuus, Anthroplogy/Medical Anthropology. Institutions of Healing in the DRCongo.
Tendro Ramaharitra, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Linking rural household's decision to land use and land cover change around Makira Protected Area, Madagascar.
Zachary Levenson, Sociology. Surplus Cities: Transit Camp and Forced Removals after Apartheid.


Allan Mugishagwe, Music. The Cultural Work of Music in NGOs: Uganda.
April Sizemore-Barber, Performance Studies. Over the rainbow? Constituting Queerness and Performing Nation in Post-(post)-Apartheid South Africa.
Beth Rabinowitz, Political Science. Reversal of Fortune: Regime Strategies and Political (In)Stability in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana, 1950-2000.
George Willcoxon, Political Science. Insurgency and the State: Core Institutions under Extreme Stress.
Jason Price, Anthropology. Mental Health Care Delivery in Malawi.
Jeffrey Schauer, History. Imperial Ark: wildlife policy and colonial governance in East and Central Africa, 1890-1974.
Jonathon Repinecz, French. Whose Hero?: Reinventing the Epic in French West African Literature.
Joseph Godlewski, Architecture. History of Zoning Strategies in Calabar, Nigeria.
Joshua Craze, Anthropology. Notions of territory in Abyei, Southern Sudan.
Joshua Williams, Performance Studies. Performance and Political Violence in East Africa during the Cold War.
Margaret Frye, Sociology/Demography. The Recursive Reconstruction of Future Aspirations in Southern Malawi.
Miriam Tsalyuk, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Using satellite imagery to assess the impacts of herbivore distributions with application to rangeland management and conservation in Southern Africa.
Oluwakemi Balogun, Sociology. Contesting Nationalisms: Gender, Globalization and Cultural Representation in Nigerian Beauty Pageants.
Sharone Tomer, Architecture. Architectural Practices after Apartheid: Urban Imaginings and Nation Building in Cape Town, 1984 to 2010.
Willa Friedman, Economics. Local Economic Conditions and Participation in the Rwandan Genocide.


Alice Kelly, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Putting the "Fortress" into Fortress Conservation: Militarizing State Control in Waza National Park, Cameroon.
Allan Mugishagwe, Music. NGOs and Values Education: The Cultural Work of Music in Uganda.
Brendan McSherry, Political Science. What impact will the Muslim Manifesto actually have on the 2010 General Elections?
Bruno Reinhardt, Anthropology. African modernity and the rhetoric of charisma: becoming a pastor in contemporary Ghana.
Christopher Golden, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The interaction between natural resource use and human health outcomes in rural Madagascar.
Jonathan Cole, History. In Sickness and in Health: Urban Space and the Social Contexts of Health and Disease in Dakar, 1914-1996.
Kehinde (Kenny) Ajayi, Economics. School Choice and the Returns to Schooling.
Leticia Cesarino, Anthropology. Biofuels in Brazil and Ghana.
Miriam Tsalyuk, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Using satellite imagery to assess the impacts of herbivore distributions with application to rangeland management and conservation in Southern Africa.
Sarah Sawyer, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Habitat Suitability and Landscape Connectivity in the Takamanda-Mone Region of Cameroon.
Sarah Zimmerman, History. A Social History of West African colonial soldiers who served in French Empire.
Steve Bellan, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of wildlife disease with opportunistic surveillance and scavenger movement data.
Tobias Warner, Comparative Literature. Conceptions of Literacy and Literature in Senegalese Fiction, Poetry and Film.


Abdoulaye Sy, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Civil Conflicts and the Spread of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Sub Saharan Africa.
Beth Rabinowitz, Political Science. A comparative analysis of changes in political stability in Ghana & Cote d'Ivoire, from 1950-2000.
Dan Fahey, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. War in DR Congo, 1996-2008.
Duncan Allard, Music. Popular Music and Urban Livelihood in Zimbabwe.
Jonas Hjort, Economics. Development economics and female empowerment in East Africa.
Joshua Dimon, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Strategic Institutions and Collaborative Extractives? A Paradox of Fossil Fuel Development and Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Mozambique.
Marcel Paret, Sociology. Immigration and State-Economy Relations: A Comparative Study of Post-WWII Labor Systems in California and South Africa.
Oluwakemi Balogun, Sociology. The Cultural Politics of Beauty Pageants in Nigeria.
Steve Bellan, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Ecology of anthrax and scavengers in Etosha National Park.


Brendan McSherry, Political Science. Religion and Political Polarization in Tanzania.
Carrie Cizauskas, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Ecology of anthrax in Etosha National Park, Namibia.
Charles Kirubi, Energy and Resources Group. Assessment of Community-Based Electric Micro-Grids as an Option for Off-grid Rural Electrification in Kenya.
China Scherz, Medical Anthropology. Childhood and the Ethics of Care: Orphan Support and NGOs in Central Uganda.
Duncan Allard, Music. Popular Music and Urban Livelihood in Zimbabwe.
Erin Mahaffey, Anthropology. Social Marketing in Tanzania.
Jay McEntee, Integrative Biology. The Diversification and Conservation of Eastern Arc Mountain Double-Collared Sunbirds.
Jennifer Brass, Political Science. Surrogates for Government? NGOs and the State in Africa.
Rachel Giraudo, Anthropology. Tourism and Cultural Heritage at the Tsodilo Hills, Botswana.
Sarah Zimmerman, History. Social History of the Tirailleurs Senegalais in French Colonial Wars.


Charles Kirubi, Energy and Resources Group. As if Institutions Matter: The Case of Rural Electric Mini-grids in Kenya.
China Scherz, Medical Anthropology. Orphan Care and Children’s Rights in Uganda.
Dan Fahey, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Post-Conflict Development in Uganda, 1986-2006.
Erin Mahaffey, Anthropology. Publicity, Secrecy, and Medical Confidentiality in Zanzibar, East Africa.
Jessica Leino, Economics. Essays on social service provision in developing countries: evidence from Kenya.
Karen Weinbaum, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Sustainability of bushmeat hunting in Central Africa.
LaToya Beck, African Diaspora Studies. Performing (Racial) Identity in Postcolonial India: Sidis, Blackness, and Diaspora.
Mahad Ibrahim, Information Management. An Institutional Eye on ICT4D projects: How do institutional policies and practices reflect and affect utilization of Egyptian IT.
Mark Massoud, Jurisprudence and Social Policy. Law in a Failed State: Grassroots Legal Groups and Development in Sudan.


Ethan Yeh, Economics. Sex Work as a Response to Risk in Kenya.
Ippolytos Kalofonos, Medical Anthropology/Public Health/Medicine. HIV/ AIDS interventions in Central Mozambique.
Jenny Aker, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Of Markets and Famines: Understanding Market Performance during the 2005 Niger Food Crisis.
Mark Massoud, Jurisprudence and Social Policy. Law in a Failed State: Grassroots Legal Groups and Development in Sudan.
Natoschia Scruggs, African Diaspora Studies. Engendering Somali Refugee Resettlement in Egypt and the United States.
Wendy Turner, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Coinfections between gastrointestinal parasites and anthrax in ungulates of Etosha National.


Andrew Lyons, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. An investigation of land use and cover change dynamics using a multi-agent system model.
Catherine Corson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Rethinking Conservation and Development in Madagascar.
Charles Kirubi, Energy and Resources Group. Evaluating the Impacts of Modern Energy Services on Microenterprises in Kenya.
David Cohen, Archaeology. The Archaeology of Culture Contact on the Kalahari's Fringe, Botswana.
Gaidi Faraj, African Diaspora Studies. Radical Black Underground.
Ippolytos Kalofonos, Medical Anthropology/Public Health/Medicine. HIV/AIDS Interventions in Central Mozambique.
Ivy Mills, History of Art. Sutura: Subalternity, Disclosure and the Gendering of the Senegalese Subject.
Martha Johnson, Political Science. Unsettling the Bureaucracy: Presidential Leadership and State Institutions in Post-2000 Senegal.
Michael Nelson, Political Science. African State Power: on the influence of African states in the international legal system.
Rachel Robinson, Demography. An Analysis of African Responses to Rapid Population Growth.
Rebecca Ghanadan, Energy and Resources Group. Public Services or Commodity Goods? The Social and Political Significance of Electricity Reforms in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Robin Turner, Political Science. States and markets revisited: nature tourism and the local political economy.


Andrew Lyons, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. An investigation of land use and cover change dynamics using a multi-agent system model.
Catherine Corson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Rethinking Conservation and Development in Madagascar.
George Wittemyer, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The Spatial and Social Structure of the Sumburu Elephant Population.
Ivy Mills, History of Art. Sutura: Subalternity, Disclosure, and the Gendering of the Senegalese Subject.
Kristin Reed, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Washing Ashore: The Tides of Oil Capitalism and Violence in Northern Angola.
Laura Hubbard, Anthropology. Lusaka sounds, Johannesburg markets: making and selling culture in Southern Africa.
Rebecca Ghanadan, Energy and Resources Group. Negotiating Reforms: The Politics of Urban Energy in Tanzania (Social and Political Significance of Energy Reforms).
Robert Bailis, Energy and Resources Group. Social and technical analysis of charcoal production in Narok, Kenya.
Robin Turner, Political Science. Tourism and the local political economy in Kenya and South Africa.
Ruth Uwaifo-Oyere, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Geopolitic and time differences in returns to education in Nigeria: fact or fantasy?.
Saida Hodzic, Medical Anthropology. Sites of Contention: NGO Interventions against Female Genital Cutting in Ghana.


Andrew Lyons, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. An investigation of land use/ cover change dynamics using a multi-agent system model.
Catherine Corson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Rethinking Conservation and Development in Madagascar.
David Cohen, Archaeology. Culture-contact at the Kalahari's edge; the archaeology of serfdom, trade, marriage, and poverty, Botswana, c. AD 500- AD 1500.
George Wittemyer, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The Spatial and Social Structure of the Sumburu Elephant Population.
Ivy Mills, History of Art. Sutura: Subalternity, Disclosure, and the Gendering of the Senegalese Subject.
Jeff Nachtigal, Journalism. Misplaced Labor Rights and the African Growth and Opportunity Act.
Kristin Reed, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Washing Ashore: The Tides of Oil Capitalism and Violence in Northern Angola.
Laura Hubbard, Anthropology. Lusaka sounds, Johannesburg markets: making and selling culture in Southern Africa.
Mathew Mendenhall, Public Health. Water in Malawi: The Sustainability of Shallow Wells.
Rebecca Ghanadan, Energy and Resources Group. Negotitating Reforms: The Politics of Urban Energy in Tanzania ( Social and Political Significance of Energy Reforms).
Robert Bailis, Energy and Resources Group. Social and technical analysis of charcoal production in Narok, Kenya.
Robin Turner, Political Science. Tourism and the local political economy in Kenya and South Africa.
Ruth Uwaifo-Oyere, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Geopolitic and time differences in returns to education in Nigeria: fact or fantasy?
Saida Hodzic, Medical Anthropology. Sites of Contention: NGO Interventions against Female Genital Cutting in Ghana.
Zewdineh Beyene, Law (Boalt Hall). Revisiting Africa's Architecture and Capacity for Regional Peace and Security.


Anna Schmidt, Political Science. Global Theory and Local Practice of the International Refugee Regime.
Arielle Levine, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Community-based maritime conservation in Zanzibar, Tanzania: a comparitive study of NGO and private sector programs.
Arne Jacobson, Energy and Resources Group. Social Implications of Solar Electrification in Kenya.
Benjamin Gardner, Geography. Producing Pastoral Power: Youth and the Culture of Politics of Education, Conservation and Rights in Tanzania.
Clare Conry-Murray, Education. Moral Reasoning About Gender Hierarchy in Benin: The Role of Informational Assumptions and Pragmatic concerns.
Corrie Decker, History. Education, Development, and Political Inclusion in Colonial Kenya.
Laura Hubbard, Anthropology. Lusaka sounds, Johannesburg Markets: Making and Selling Culture in Southern Africa.
Mark Hunter, Geography. AIDS and the Materiality of Everyday Sex in South Africa.
Saida Hodzic, Medical Anthropology. Rhizomic Networks: NGO Interventions in Women's Rights and Women's Health Among Gurune in Ghana.
Xavier Livermon, African Diaspora Studies. Kwaito: An Examination of Popular Culture in Post-Apartheid South Africa.
Zewdineh Beyene, Law (Boalt Hall). The New African Architecture and Capacity for Regional Peace and Security.


Anna Schmidt, Political Science. Global Theory and Local Practice of the International Refugee Regime.
Arielle Levine, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Community-based Marine Conservation in Tanzania.
Arne Jacobson, Energy and Resources Group. The Solar Revolution Will Be Televised: Understanding the Social Implications of Market Based Solar Electrification in Kenya.
George Wittemyer, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The Spatial and Social Structure of the Samburu Elephant Population.
Khalid Medani, Political Science. The Political Economy of Informal Markets: The Development of Islamic and Ethnic Politics in Egypt, Sudan and Somalia. 
Scott Straus, Political Science. The Rwandan Genocide: Institutions, Ideology, and War: The Rwandan Genocide in Comparative Perspective.
Victor Peskin, Political Science. Conflicts of Justice: International Criminal Tribunals and the Politics of State Cooperation.


Mary Galvin, Political Science. Development is Political: The Effect of Development Interventions on Local Politics in Rural Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.
Michelle Williams, Sociology. Democratic Communists: Party and Class in South Africa and Kerala.
Peter Baxter, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Modeling the Impacts of African Elephant on Wood Plant Diversity in Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Scott Straus, Political Science. The Rwandan Genocide in Comparative Perspective.
Victor Peskin, Political Science. The Politics of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.


Duana Fullwiley, Anthropology. Taking root: Grounding Science in Local Practice: Revisiting Sickle Cell Knowledge in Dakar.
Loren Landau, Political Science. Crisis and Authority: State Transformation in Refugee-Affected Tanzania
Catherine Mathers, Anthropology. Imagination Tourism: The Impact of Cultural Exchange on American Discourses on South Africa
Susan Shepler, Education. Educated in War: The rehabilitation of child soldiers in Sierra Leone
Lauren MacLean, Political Science. A local-level comparison of changes in state social policies and "informal" social support systems in rural Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire
Amy Gardner, Anthropology. Innovation and Change in Ifa Medical Knowledge and Practice


Christian Kull, Environmental Science, Policy and Managment. Fire politics:  Change and conflict in grassland burning in the highlands of Madagascar. 
Amy Gardner, Anthropology. Ifa (Yoruba) Medical Knowledge and Practice in Relationship to Embodiment and the Senses, Ritual Performance, and Globalization
Sarah Manyika, Education. Negotiating Identity: Africans in American or British Universities.  
Markus Goldstein, Agricultural & Resource Economics. Information Flows and Intrahousehold Allocation in Ghana.
Catherine Mathers, Anthropology. Imagination Tourism: The Impact of Travel on American Images of Southern Africa.   
Susan Shepler, Education. Educated in War: The rehabilitation of child soldiers in Sierra Leone
Loren Landau, Political Science. Crisis and Transformation: The Construction of State Authority in Refugee-Affected Tanzania.


Gisele Kamanou, Public Health and Bioogical Statistics. Analysis of Clustered Hierarchical Responses Using Generalized Linear Models:  Application to the Study of Links Between Economic Shocks, Intra-Family Support and Welfare in Cote d'Ivoire (Health Recovery and Education Outcomes). 
Markus Goldstein, Agricultural & Resource Economics. Information Flows and Intrahousehold Allocation in Ghana. 
Christian Kull, Environmental Science, Policy and Managment. Fire politics:  Change and conflict in grassland burning in the highlands of Madagascar. 
Lauren MacLean, Political Science. Coping with Crisis:  The State and Changing Social Safety Nets in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire


Rebecca Ann Ginsburg, Architecture. At Home with Apartheid:  Everyday Life in the White Suburban Home, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1960s-1980s.
Markus Goldstein, Agricultural & Resource Economics. Information and Intrahousehold Allocation.
Simon Peter Kiungua, Economics. The Determinants of Private Sector Investment and Saving in Kenya: An Analysis of the 1964-92 period.
Christian Kull, Environmental Science, Policy and Managment. 
Kevin Moore, Linguistics. How Wolof Speakers Talk about Time in terms of Movement and Location. 


Kathryn Caldera, Anthropology. Motherhood and the Politics of Meaning: A Case Study of Identity and Development in Cape Verde.
David McDermott Hughes, Anthropology.Controlling Land, Controlling People: Land Allocation to Refugees on the Zimbabwe-Mozambique Border.
Gail Hughes, Public Health. HIV/AIDS Among Rural Women in South Africa; The Effect of Male Work Migration on Rural Women's Health.


Jennifer Cole, Anthropology. Memory, Identity and the Moral Universe in East Madagascar.
Angela Davies, Anthropology. Ethnic and Racial Identity Amongst Whites in Post Colonial Zimbabwe.
Simon Peter Kiungua, Economics. The Determinants of Private Sector Investment and Saving in Kenya: An Analysis of the 1964-92 period.
Jason C. Myers, Political Science. The Political Legacy of Separate Development in South Africa.
Oscar-Joseph Wambuguh, Forestry/Psychology. Local Communities and Wildlife: Analysis of Human Wildlife Interactions Using a GIS in Laikipia District of Kenya.
Lucy Njeri Wamukonya, Wood Products.Biomass Energy Flows in Rural Namibia and its Implications on the National Economy.
Matthew Warning, Agricultural Economics. Access to Credit, Agricultural Practice and the Organization of Production: An Empirical Study in the Peanut Basin of Senegal.


Roddie Cole, City & Regional Planning. Housing Delivety Systems in the Gambia: The Impact of Policy Intervention.
David A. Eaton, Anthropology.Emotion and change in sexual culture: Response to AIDS among young me of Congo and Cameroon.
Susanne E. Freidberg, Geography. Gender Relations and Structural Adjustment in West African Periurban Agriculture.
Dennis Galvan, Political Science. State Dismantling and Nation Disintegration: Filling the Institutional and Cultural Void in the Siin Region of Senegal.
Kenneth Leonard, Agricultural Economics. The Role of Contracts, Reputation and Licenses in the Demand for Health Care.
Brendan Works, Political Science. Popular Opposition to Apartheid.
Mona Younis, Sociology. Class, Resources and Resistance: A Comparative Study of National Liberation Movements in South Africa and Palestine/Israel, 1910s-1990s.
Cheryl Zoll, Linguistics. Ghost Segments in African Languages.


Alem Abbay, Ethnic Studies. Ethnic Nationalism: The View from Tigray and Eritrea.
Clifford Ham, Architecture.Built Environments, Colonialism, and Culture: The Development and Meaning of Enugu, Nigeria.
Josephat Rugemalira, Linguistics. Runyambo Verb Extensions & Constraints on Argument Structure.

Thokozani Xaba, Sociology. The Pursuit of Justice: An Inquiry into the Causes of Violence in South Africa.


Michelle CochraneGeography. The Sociology of Scientific Knowledge about African AIDS.
Jennifer Cole, Anthropology. The Cultural Construction of Historical Memory in East Madagascar.
Samba Diop, Comparative Literature. The Oral History and Literature of the Wolof People of Northern Senegal: The Master of the World in the WolofTradition-Performance and the Oral Techniques of the Transmission of Knowledge.
Gregorio FirminoAnthropology. Institutionalization of Portuguese in Mozambique.
Susanne E. Freidberg, Geography. Gender relations and structural adjustment in West African periurban agriculture.
Dennis Galvan, Political Science.Culture and Conquest: A Comparison of French and Islamic Courts as Imposed Institutions in the Sine-Saloum Region of Senegal.
Thomas Gensheimer,  ArchitectureIslamic Urbanism on the East African Coast.
Matthew Warning, Agricultural EconomicsStructural Adjustment, Changing Rules of Access to Credit.

Mona Younis, Sociology. A Comparative Study of National Liberation Movements in Palestine/Israel and South Africa.


Roddie Cole, City & Regional Planning. Institutional and Market Factors in Housing Delivery Systems.
Jean-Germain Gros, Political Science. A Historical Perspective of Animal Health Care Policy in Cameroon.
Roderick Neumann, Geography.Inventing Eden, Inciting Unrest: The Origins and Meaning of Social Conflict in Arusha National Park, Tanzania.
Oyeronke Oyewumi, Sociology. The Construction of Gender in an African Society.
Fred Schaffer, Political Science. Political Discourse in Senegal: Wolof Conceptions of Demokrasi.
Rick Schroeder, Geography. Defending a Female Cash Crop: Intra-household Conflict and Vegetable Production in the Gambia.
Mary True, Psychology. Assessing Infant-Caregiver Attachment in West Africa.
Pauline Wynter, Natural Resource Management. Fishing for Complements: Managing the Mangrove-based Fishery of the Crab Scylla serrata in Southern Mozambique.
Xuetong Yan, Political Science. The State's Motivation to Develop Entrepreneurs.


Michele Emanantian, Linguistics. Studies in Grammatical Polysemy.
Jean-Germain Gros, Political Science. The Privatization of Animal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Lawrence Mukuka, Social Welfare. Rural Literacy and the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations in Zambia.
Fred Schaffer, Political Science. Political Discourse in Senegal: Wolof Conceptions of Democracy.
Rick Schroeder, Geography. Defending a Female Cash Crop: Intra-household Conflict and Vegetable Production in the Gambia.


Maria Fuller, Anthropology.
Susan Hall, Political Science.
Lucy Jarosz, Geography.
Makoba Wagona Johnson, Sociology.
Lawrence Mukuka, Social Welfare. 
Stevens Tucker, Political Science.
Margot Winer, Anthropology.


Arthur Eshiwani, Law.
Roland Foulkes, Anthropology.
Curtis Marean, Anthropology.
Lawrence Mukuka, Social Welfare.
Martha Saavedra, Political Science.
Pauline Wynter, Forestry.


John Gathegi, Library and Information Studies. 
Susan Hall, Political Science.
Kinuthia Macharia, Sociology.
Gerald Magutu, Architecture.
Oyeronke Oyewumi, Sociology.
Martha Saavedra, Political Science.
Beverly Teroaka, English.
Mugatsia Tsingalia, Zoology.
Stevens Tucker, Political Science.
Matthew Turner, Energy and Resources.


Jeanne Bergman, Anthropology.
Andrew Deng, Political Science.
Mohammed Lecky, Anthropology.
Curtis Marean, Anthropology.
Kinuthia Macharia, Sociology.
Oyeronke Oyewumi,  Sociology.

Rocca Pre-dissertation Research


Matthew McGee, Integrative Biology. The ecological impact of anthropogenic disturbances on tropical forests in Madagascar.
William James Carter, Geography. Navigating Black Waters and White Fears: Aquatic Geographies of West and West-Central Africa and the Origins of Racialisation in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.


Abdulrazzak Tamim, Economics. Quality Upgrading, Subsidies, and Competition in Agricultural Input Markets.
Pranav Kuttaiah, City & Regional Planning. Unpacking Migrant Political Subjectivities in Mumbai and Johannesburg.
Grady Killeen, Economics. Search frictions in the market for helmets in Nairobi, Kenya.
Katherine Culbertson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Investigating Novel Secondary Forest Communities and Restoration Efficacy in Eastern Madagascar.
Dan Miswa Basil, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Beyond the Limits of Climate Smart Agriculture Frameworks in Kenya.


Auwal Abubakar, Public Health. Perspectives of religious leaders on Childhood Immunization in Bauchi, Nigeria.
Jessica Kersey, Energy and Resources. Towards equitable energy access for the urban poor: Participatory surveys of slum communities of Kampala, Uganda.
Joseph Greenbaum, Political Science. Land Grabs and Topologies of Toxicity from e-Waste Processing in East Africa.
Veronarindra Ramananjato, Integrative Biology. Travelling seeds: how do they survive in human-modified landscapes?


Calvin Chiu, Public Health - Health Policy. Altruism, social norms and group level decision-making: field evidence from maternity grants from savings groups in Zambia.
David Qihang Wu, Economics. Misinformation and Turnover: Evidence from Ethiopian Manufacturing Workers.
Jessica Craig, Energy and Resources Group. Gender and renewable energy in northern Tanzania.


Annelise Gill-Wiehl, Energy and Resources Program. Coupling Outreach & Financial Mechanisms in LPG Adoption in East Africa.
Gustavo Capela, Anthropology. Spaces of imagination: an ethnographic inquiry into the construction of Eko Atlantic City in Lagos, Nigeria.
Jackie Childers, Integrative Biology. Expedition Eritrea: Uncovering the Horn of Africa’s Hidden Biodiversity.
S.E. Freeman, Geography. Humanitarian Biometrics: Governing Mobility in South Sudan.


Adrian Thomas Wilson, Anthropology. The Anthropological Imaginary of Development Economics in East Africa.
Tamara Kerzhner, City and Regional Planning. Labour aspects of informal transportation systems in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Catlan Reardon, Political Science. The Potential Perverse Effects of Social Capital in sub-Saharan Africa.
Eric Hsu, Economics. Costs of Political Uncertainty.
Isabelle Cohen, Economics. Tax Capacity and Fiscal Decentralization: Experimental Evidence from Uganda.
Nicholas Otis, Health Policy. Development intervention forecasting.
Raphael Frankfurter, Medical Anthropology. Biosecurity in the Post-Ebola Kissi Triangle: An Ethnographic Study of Remote Clinics in Sierra Leone and Guinea.
Stephanie Bonds, Economics. Heterogeneous Benefits and Demand for Secondary Schooling in Kenya.


Brittany Young, Geography. Climate Change Politics and Agriculture in Ethiopia.
Nancy Ortiz, Public Health-Epidemiology. Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Women and Infants in Mali: an analysis of the effects respiratory illness in high risk groups.
Peter Vale, History. The Imagination of a Global Minerals Market in Colonial Congo 1899-1931.
Susanna Berkouwer, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Essays in Development and Energy Economics.


Brian Klein, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Mining for Territory: Pressures, Practices, and Policy in Madagascar’s Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector.
Brittany Meche, Geography. Geohistories of Securitization in the West African Sahel.
Christine Wilkinson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Mapping Critical Regions of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Resource Use in Wildlife Dispersal Areas of Southern Kenya.


Chase Arnold, History. 20th Century Africa and International Intelligence.
Kaitlyn Gaynor, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The effects of human settlement and activity on wildlife behavior and distribution in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique.
Nicholas Rolle, Linguistics. Analyzing tone melodies in the languages of Nigeria: Case studies from Esan, Degema, Eastern Ijo, and Lake Kainji.


Adeola Oni-Orisan, Anthropology. Charismatic Childbirth: Pentecostalism, Maternal Mortality and the Fifth Millennium Development Goal in Southwest Nigeria.
Annah Peterson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The political ecology of rosewood in Madagascar.
Brittany Birberick, Socio-cultural Anthropology. South African Craft Art, Contemporary Art, and the Political.
Stephen McIsaac, Anthroplogy/Medical Anthropology. A Memory From the Future: Psychiatric Reform, Trauma, and Therapeutic Space in Postapartheid South Africa.


Erin Torkelson, Geography. Platinum and Power: Producing South Africa’s Uneven Geographies.
Hallie Wells, Anthropology. Performance and Political Engagement in Malagasy Slam Poetry.
Selina Makana, African American Studies. Unveiling the Voices of Women behind the Pan-African Movement: 1945-1970 West Africa.
Tristan Nunez, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Hippopotamus Movement Ecology and Conservation.
Victoria Massie, Anthropology. Use of genetic ancestry testing among the African Diaspora in transnational spaces.


Amy Wolfson, African American Studies. Voluntourism in Tanzania.
Cheryl Schmitz, Anthropology. Cultural Politics and the Spirit of Chinese Capitalism in Angola.
Francesca Nicosia, Anthropology. Global Health, Palliative Care and the Management of Pain in East Africa.
Lindsay Bayham, Sociology. Migration aspirations and ICTs in West Africa.


Carrine (Meyer) Brody, Public Health. Examing the Impact of New Aid Financing Models on Maternal Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa.
George Willcoxon, Political Science. Insurgency and the State in Africa: political violence and state capacity.
Jeffrey Schauer, History. Imperial Ark: wildlife policy and colonial governance in East and Central Africa.
Kathryn Fiorella, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. People, Wildlife, and Parasitic Worms: Health Impacts of Zoonotic Disease Transmission.
Marlee Tichenor, Anthropology. A biography of anti-malarial pharmaceuticals and the institutions that surround them.
Nicole List, Geography. Land sales and social inequality in Dakar.
Rachel Niehuus, Anthroplogy/Medical Anthropology. State and Nonstate Actors in the Making of Health Policy in the Post-Conflict State.


Bob Bell, School of Information. Transnational diasporic networks.
Kehinde (Kenny) Ajayi, Economics. Education, Employment and Household Decision-Making in Ghana.
Merrill Baker-Medard, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Social and Environmental Impact of Gemstone Mining in Madagascar.
Niels Tomijima, Energy and Resources Group. Methods of Disseminating Improved Energy Technologies Effectively and Efficiently: The KUUTE Stove in Tanzania.
Owen Ozier, Economics. Long-term Impacts of Early Childhood De-worming.
Patience Fielding, Education: Language & Literacy. Indigenous Languages and Globalization: The Case For Mungaka.
Willa Friedman, Economics. African Development Economics.


Alice Kelly, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. People and Parks: An interdisciplinary study of community-based ecotourism in Cameroon.
Mark Rosenberg, Political Science. Affective Beliefs and the Maintenance of Dominant Party Systems (South Africa).
Sarah Sawyer, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Applying habitat vulnerability, irreplaceability, and human-wildlife interactions to corridor design in West Africa (Cameroon).
Tobias Warner, Comparative Literature. The Transformation of Reading and Writing Practices in Senegal.


Brendan McSherry, Political Science. Radical Islam in Tanzania.
Christopher Golden, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Trends of Bushmeat Consumption in Madagascar's Eastern Rainforests.
Duncan Allard, Music. Citizenship, Land rights, and Musical Practices in Zimbabwe.
Liza Buchbinder, Medical Anthropology/Public Health/Medicine. Youth Resiliency in West African Labor Market.
Steve Bellan, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Scavenger Ecology and Anthrax Epidemiology in Etosha National Park.
Tanya Jones, Sociology. Civil Society Mobiliation for AIDS Treatment in South Africa.
Tendro Ramaharitra, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Model of Land Use and Land Cover Change, comparaison of different zones in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar.
Thera Crane, Linguistics. Comparative Description and Documentation of Totela.


Erin Mahaffey, Anthropology. Reproductive/Human Rights, Contraception/Abortion, Statistical Technologies.
Jade Sasser, Anthropology. HIV/AIDS and Mines in Madagascar.
Joshua Dimon, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Rivers of Extraction, Rivers of Life: Extractive Capitalism and Rural Livelihoods along the Zambezi River, Mozambique.
Rachel Giraudo, Anthropology. Identity and Heritage Among the Ju'hoansi at Tsodilo.
Sarah Zimmerman, History. Sub-Saharan African Colonial Conscripts Participation in Maghribi Anti-colonial Wars.


Dan Fahey, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Environmental Protection and Post-Conflict Development in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.
Jennifer Brass, Political Science. Theories of bureaucratic hollowing "informalization" and "privatization" in the African State.
Malini Ranganathan, Energy and Resources Group. Enhancing Energy Access in Senegal through Rural-Urban Interactions and Improved Bioenergy Sources.
Mark Massoud, Jurisprudence and Social Policy. The Mobilization of International Law in Religious Societies: Cases of Sudanese NGOs.
Rosalind Fredericks, Geography. Community Environmental Management in Dakar, Senegal.
Sarah Staveteig, Sociology/Demography. Beyond Greed and Profit: The Socio-Political and Demographic Dynamics of Civil War in Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa.


Christopher Blattman, Economics. Investigation of Effects of Global Trade and Aid Flows on East African Economic Development.
Martha Johnson, Political Science. The relationship between newly elected political leaders and the existing national bureaucracy in situations of democratic transition.
Mpho Matsipa, Architecture. Enclave Johannesburg: Mapping the Shadows of Fear.
Nadege Clitandre, African American Studies. The Pace-Bound Contiuum and Articulations of Home in Haitian Literature.
Rebecca Cover, Linguistics. Documentation and Description of the Badiaranke Language.


Ashtari Negar, Geography. Land policy, local government and cultural politics in peri-urban areas in Botswana.

FLAS - Academic Year


Purba Chatterjee,School of Public Health.
Dimitri Diagne


Annelise Gill-Wiehl, Energy and Resources Group.
Christopher Jon Ehrmann, School of Journalism.
Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Joseph Greenbaum, Political Science.
Peter Vale, History.
Purba Chatterjee, School of Public Health.


Abibat Rahman-Davies, Global Studies.
Annelise Gill-Wiehl, Energy and Resources Group.
Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Joseph Greenbaum, Political Science.
Peter Vale, History.
Rasheed Shabazz, City and Regional Planning.
Rebecca Astatke, School of Public Health.
Stephanie Bonds, Economics.


Anna Spadafora, Comparative Literature.
Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
John Walsh, Music.
Mariam Zagub, School of Journalism.
Rachel Mueller, School of Journalism.
Rasheed Shabazz, City and Regional Planning.
Rebecca Astatke, School of Public Health.
Stephanie Bonds, Economics.


Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Daniel Bowen, History.
Elizabeth Resor, Information Management and Systems.
Lee Mengistu, School of Journalism.
Rachel Mueller, School of Journalism.
Wolfgang Alders, Anthropology.


Andrew Crane-Droesch, Energy and Resources Group.
Dylan Isaacson, School of Public Health.
Erin Milner, School of Public Health.
Paul Thissen, Political Science.
Rita Cuckovich, School of Public Health.
Rose Calnin, School of Public Health.
Tiffany Clarke, School of Public Health.
Vanessa Reed, Agricultural and Resource Economics.


Andrew Crane-Droesch, Energy and Resources Group.
Caitlin Scholl, Comparative Literature.
Caroline Ritter, History.
Diana Gergel, History.
Dylan Isaacson, School of Public Health.
Jessica Clarkson, Peace and Conflict Studies.
Julie Freccero, School of Public Health.
Rachel Jamison, School of Law.
Rachel Niehuus, Anthroplogy/Medical Anthropology.
Rena Lipkowitz, School of Public Health.
Rose Calnin, School of Public Health.
Sara Adelman, Development Studies.
Vanessa Reed, Agricultural and Resource Economics.


Andrew Crane-Droesch, Energy and Resources Group.
Caitlin Scholl, Comparative Literature.
Casey Rogers, City and Regional Planning.
Diana Gergel, History.
Jacobus Van Der Merwe, City and Regional Planning.
Margaret Frye, Sociology/Demography.
Matthew Gichohi, Political Science.


Amanda Wheeler, School of Public Health.
Bob Bell, School of Information and Management Systems.
Eloise Bertrand, Political Science. 
Karen Weidert, School of Public Health.
Suzanne Bell, School of Public Health.
Vanessa Roderick, Linguistics.
Zoe Chafe, School of Public Health.


Aharon de Grassi, Geography.
Jason Price, Anthropology.
Nicole List, Geography.
Niels Tomijima, Energy and Resources Group.


Anjali Gupta, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Jessyka Finley, African Diaspora Studies.
Jonathan Cole, History.
Laura Swift, Public Health.
Merrill Baker-Medard, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Niels Tomijima, Energy and Resources Group.


Benjamin Bellows, School of Public Health.
Erin Mahaffey, Anthropology.
Karen Weinbaum, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Malika Crutchfield, African Diaspora Studies.
Tanya Jones, Sociology.


Erin Mahaffey, Anthropology.
Katy Guimond, Geography.
Naim Darghouth, Energy and Resources Group.
Rosalind Fredericks, Geography.
Tanya Jones, Sociology.
Thera Crane, Linguistics.
Tobias Warner, Comparative Literature.


Brendan McSherry, Political Science.
Duncan Allard, Music.
Erin Mahaffey, Anthropology.
Ippolytos Kalofonos, Medical Anthropology/Public Health/Medicine.
Michael McElroy, School of Public Health.
Naim Darghouth, Energy and Resources Group.
Rachel Giraudo, Anthropology.
Rosalind Fredericks, Geography.


Amanda Riley, School of Public Health.
Elizabeth Boner, Graduate School of Education.
Erin Brock, UC/UCSF MD/PhD Program.
Martha Johnson, Political Science.
Rachel Giraudo, Anthropology.
Rebecca Tanner, School of Law.
Renee Kuriyan, Energy and Resources Group.
Sadie Ryan, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Sarah Zimmerman, History.
Zakiyyah Jackson, African Diaspora Studies.


Amanda Riley, School of Public Health.
Andrew Lyons, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Andrew Simpson, Linguistics.
Benjamin Gardner, Geography.
Corrie Decker, History.
Ivy Mills, History of Art.
Lesley Bennett Pereira, School of Public Health.
Libby Lewis, African Diaspora Studies.
Martha Johnson, Political Science.
Rebecca Ghanadan, Energy and Resources Group.
Sadie Ryan, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Sean Brennan, School of Public Health.


Andrew Simpson, Linguistics.
Benjamin Gardner, Geography.
Catherine Corson, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Ivy Mills, History of Art.
Jeff Good, Linguistics.
Laura Hubbard, Anthropology.
Rebecca Ghanadan, Energy and Resources Group.
Xavier Livermon, African Diaspora Studies.

FLAS - Summer fellowships


David Villani, History, Minor in Arabic.

Dimitri Diagne, History.


Hannah Cox, French and Linguistics.

Sarah Idunu Abidla Daniel, Political Science.
Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.


Anna Spadafora, Comparative Literature.
Claudia Naa Densua Ankrah, History, UC Santa Barbara.
Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Dimitri Diagne, History.
Joseph Greenbaum, Political Science.
Rohit Krishnan, History.
Taylor Baisey, School of Public Health.


Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.
Lucayo Casillas, History - African History.
Rohit Krishnan, History.
Stephanie Bonds, Economics.


Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.


Jonathan Cole, History.
Robia Charles, Political Science.


Reginold Royston, African American Studies.


Aharon de Grassi, Geography. Relations between Agrarian Dynamics and State Formation in Angola.
Anjali Gupta, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The Elephant Question: An Ethnography of Environmental Imaginaries in Chobe Enclave Community Trust, Botswana.
Jasmine Johnson, African Diaspora Studies. Embodied Utterances: Investigating Performances of Africa Through West African Dance Classes (Ghana).


Carrie Cizauskas, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Ecology of Anthrax in Etosha National Park, Namibia.
Cole Burton, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Protected-area effectiveness and the landscape context of mammal conservation in Ghana.
Karen Weinbaum, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Human/Wildlife dynamics at the Congo Basin forest margin.
Michael Wasserman, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Primate Response to Protected Area Boundaries in western Uganda: Using Field Endocrinology to Examine Forest Edge Effects.
Nathan McClintock, Geography. Peri-Urban Agriculture in Bamako and Dakar.


Wendy Turner, Environmental Science, Policy and Management. The ecology of anthrax in a community of herbivores in Etosha National Park, Namibia.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program


Brenda Umitoniwase, Folklore.
Iqra Salah, School of Journalism.
Latifa Khamis Mbarak, Development Practice.
Linus Unah, School of Journalism.
Millicent Akayesi,  Architecture.
Nantongo Molly, School of Welfare.
Prisca Bakoandrisoa Rasimbazafy, Development Practice.


Cecil Chikezie, Bioengineering.
Didien Meyahnwi, School of Public Health.
Dowell Aluchukwu Mbanu-Jackson, Bioengineering.
Elly Wanyonyi, City and Regional Planning.
Idris Mukhtar, School of Journalism.
Joyceline Marealle, Energy and Resources Group.
Kenneth Ng'etich Kipruto, School of Journalism.
Patricia Quaye, Development Engineering.
Power Mukisa, Development Practice.
Victor Okoro, Development Engineering.
Vivian Omondi, Information and Management Systems.


Abdoul Aziz Sandotin Coulibaly, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Alex Winters Kairu, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science.
Gloria Tumushabe, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.


Abdoul Aziz Sandotin Coulibaly, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Armittage Adjah Annang, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Austin Brian Maina, Data Science in Letters & Science.
Barbara Nasila, 
Architecture College of Environmental Design.
Boikanyo Tefu, School of Journalism.
Daniel Shiferaw, Computer Science.
Erick Maling'a, School of Pubilc Health.
Esther Vuhya Julius, Interdisciplinary Studies.
Gift Pola Kiti, School of Public Health - Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health.
Gilbert Bahati, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Gloria Tumushabe, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Habiiba Malingha, Haas School of Business.
Johnson Chidi Uwaeme, School of Social Welfare.
Kita Nyabena Abuodha, Environmental Economics and Policy and Business Finance and Accounting.
Mailess Phiri, Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Marilyn Akinola, Development Practice.
Marvin Mulima, College of Natural Resources.
Meshach McBorrough, School of Public Health.
Nicholas Koech, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Paula Ochiel, Development Practice.
Sahara Farah Abdi, Mathematics.
Samuel Akindele, Interdisciplinary Studies.
Samuel Amanya, Economics.
Sarah Lebu, School of Pubilc Health.
Tafadzwa Brian Marombedza, Political Economy.
Victoria Adebiyi, School of Public Health - Nutrition.


Abigail Adu-Daako, Public Policy.
Adetutu Sadiq, School of Public Health.
Alton Tatenda Mpungu, Development Practice.
Carlos Mureithi, School of Journalism.
Eshetu Feleke, Architecture.
Fanice Nyatigo, Bioengineering.
Hannibal Tesfahunegn, Graduate School of Public Policy.
Jalang Conteh, School of Public Health.
Nkiruka Menankiti, Nuclear Engineering.
Rassidatou Konate, School of Public Health.
Tsegab Mekonnen, Mechanical Engineering.
Vicentia Gyau, Global Studies.
Yvonne WangareCivil and Environmental Engineering.


Ashley Sango, School of Public Health.
Brenda Ogutu, City and Regional Planning.
Emmanuel Bonsu, Mechanical Engineering.
Grace Oyenubi, School of Journalism.
Haggai Kaunda, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Linus Kipkoech, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Monicah Wambugu, Information Management and Systems.
Mubarek Hassen, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Priscah Cheruiyot, School of Public Health.
Rebeka Ramangamihanta, Development Practice.
Victor Okoro, Development Studies.


Becky Mashaido, Applied Mathematics.
Gladys Onyango, Development Practice.
James Tayali, School of Public Health.
Ravina Pattni, Economics.
Rukudzo Muyengwa, School of Public Health.
Thato Keineetse, Business Administration.
Waringa Kamau,School of Journalism.
Winnie Itago, Environmental Economics and Policy.


Diana Quelhas, School of Public Health.
Jacinta Mbilo, City and Regional Planning.
Lilian Kabelle, Civil Engineering.
Thabani Nyoni, School of Social Welfare.


Gloria Kahamba, School of Public Health.
Kagure Wamunyu, City and Regional Planning.


Keziah Mwang'a, City and Regional Planning.

Africa Research Travel Grant


Jonathan Jacob Moore, African-American and African Diaspora Studies. One Settler, One Bullet, One Poem: Post- Aparthied Poetics in Johannesburg.


Gathenji Njoroge, School of Public Health. This project addresses two problems: the overabundance of mosquito breeding sites and a scarcity of viable employment opportunities for Kenyans, especially Kenyan youth.
Rachel Mueller, Journalism. A multi-media story (video, print, podcast) about what the US can learn from HIV/AIDS prevention efforts in Namibia.


Samantha Schildroth, Public Health., Environmental Health Sciences. Diarrheal Disease Prevalence and Proximity to Contaminated Water Sources in Rural Tanzania.


Catlan Reardon, Political Science. Community Driven Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: How Recruitment & Targeting Influence Effectiveness.

Summer African Language Study Grant


Crossley Pinkstaff, Environmental Science, Policy and Management.


John Walsh, Music.
Louise Nina Haug, History.


Brandi De Leuze, French and Franchophone Literature.
Peter Vale, History.
Wolfgang Alders, Anthropology.


Allyson Fritz, School of Social Welfare.
Brandi De Leuze, French and Franchophone Literature.
Brittany Birberick, Socio-cultural Anthropology.
Brittany Meche, Geography.
Erin Torkelson, Geography.
James Mizes, City and Regional Planning.
Naima Allcock, French.
Stephen McIsaac, Anthroplogy/Medical Anthropology.