The following resources are useful in the process of writing grants, obtaining IRB clearance, conducting field research, staying safe and publishing your work.
Library resources
- UC Berkeley library guide and overview of research methods, including tools and resources for quantitative, qualitative, data science, text mining, evidence review and where to get data and assistance.
- UC Berkeley guides:
- US Library of Congress African Studies guide.
Network with other scholars
- The African Studies Association
- The ASA also has many coordinate and affiliate organizations, such as:
- The West African Research Association
- Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
- Many more organizations were listed on the now archived Africa South of the Sahara site by Karen Fung, Stanford University.
IRB and Ethics Resources
- African Studies Association Ethical Conduct Guidelines
- UCB Comittee on Protection of Human Subjects guidance and resources on international research.
- US Health and Human Services International Compilation of Human Research Standards.
Fieldwork Resources
- Digital Fieldwork site: Offers reflections and resources. Lauren MacLean, an alum and 1998 Rocca Fellow, is involved.
- Clare Gupta, Alice Bridget Kelly, eds. 2014. "Special Issue: Giving Back in Field Research" Journal of Research Practice Volume 10, Issue 2. Includes 27 articles on the practice, ethics and dilemmas encountered in 'giving back' during fieldwork. Focus is mainly though not exclusively on Sub-Saharan African fieldwork. Many of the authors have UC Berkeley connections.
- Louise Fortmann. 2008. Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods : doing science together. Chichester, UK; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- From Jenna Burrell, School of Information
- Blog, Ethnography Matters, by Jenna Burrell and colleagues.
- Fieldwork tips on equipment.
- Summary of tips and advice from 28 September 2012 Field Work Forum
- The UC Berkeley Center for Ethnographic Research
- Center on the Politics of Development Research Tips
Safety when Traveling and Researching Abroad
- Traveling Abroad - Resources from the UC Risk Services Office.
- Safety Guidelines for Field Researchers (UCB EH&S Publication)
- 5 Actions to Prepare for Safe Successful Field Research (from EH&S)
- UC Berkeley EH&S Field Work and Field Safety Resources
- 2013 Bibliography on personal safety during fieldwork
- US State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
Grant Writing Guidelines
- Adam Pzreworki, and Frank Salomon. 1995. On the Art of Writing Proposals. New York: Social Science Research Council.
- IIS online dissertation proposal writing workshop: Including Michael Watt's essay "The Holy Grail: In Pursuit of the Dissertation Proposal"
- "Writing Your Research Proposal" available on the Resources page from the Haas Scholars Program in the Office of Undergraduate Research. Also useful is the guide for their proposal format.
- Proposal Writing Resources from Dr. Suad Joseph, UC Davis
- How to get grants and fellowships and "Foolproof Research Proposal Template" from Karen Kelsky's blog, The Professor is In.
Tips on Publishing Your Dissertation/Research
- Germano, William P. 2005. From dissertation to book. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.