
One mission of the Center for African Studies is to assist educators at all levels in teaching about Africa. We do this through training, curriculum development, collaboration and consultation. Training occurs at the graduate and undergraduate levels and in workshops and institutes. Examples of curriculum development include our online sites, Understanding the Horn.

At UC Berkeley, our collaborators include the other area centers and institutes, and the Office of Resources for International and Area Studies (ORIAS ORIAS provides:

We also collaborate with the the UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project (HSSP The UCBHSSP bridges the academy and K-12 communities to help teachers strengthen their instructional practice and provide equitable educational opportunities to all students, through a model of learning, practicing, and doing. Located in the UC Berkeley History Department, UCBHSSP is a member site of the California Subject Matter Projects.

Nationally, we work closely with the African Studies Association Outreach Council. The Council's web site links to events, resources and news around the country. As time allows, we consult on curriculum, ideas and best practices for teaching about Africa.