Resource Links for Educators

  1. CAS Events
  2. ORIAS Speakers Bureau and online materials on Africa
  3. The Outreach Council of the African Studies Association offers an annual Teachers' Workshop close to the time of the annual ASA conference. Each institutional member of the Council also offers a range of resources, workshops and activities for educators.
  4. Africa Access, founded by Brenda Randolph, helps schools, public libraries, and parents improve the quality of their K-12 collections on Africa. In collaboration with the Outreach Council of the African Studies Association they host the Children’s Africana Book Awards, offer online reviews of books, and offer a range of other resources.
  5. H-AfrTeach: An H-Net Network for Teaching about Africa.
  6. Africa South of the Sahara, by Karen Fung, Stanford Africana Librarian, has been one of best online resources, available now through the Web Archive. The site offered annotated, organized and cross-listed links. Under the Education topic are many sub-categories, include the following of interest to educators:
    1. Teacher education
    2. Teaching about Africa
    3. Teaching history (K-12)
  7. list of Anti-Racist Resources for Action, Learning and Engagment. Compiled at UC Berkeley, June 2020.
  8. Material from two now-retired online curriculums sites that the Center produced:
    1. Understanding Sudan
    2. Understanding the Horn