
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Kerby Lynch Fellowship Recipient African American Studies Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants, Alumni
Hilary Lynd History Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship South Africa
Tadiwa Madenga Assistant Professor English Faculty Zimbabwe
Isabel Madzorera Assistant Professor School of Public Health - Nutrition Faculty Zimbabwe
Jeremy Magruder Professor Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy Faculty South Africa
Erin Mahaffey Anthropology Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Africa- general
Selina Makana Fellowship Recipient, DrPH African American Studies Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research, Ezera Research for African Doctoral Students, Alumni
Erick Maling'a Fellowship Recipient, Alumni School of Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Habiiba Malingha Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Haas School of Business Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Uganda
Jane Mango Angar PhD Candidate Political Science Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship, Ezera Research for African Doctoral Students Kenya, Zambia
Niklas Markus Mannberg Erasmus+ Scholar and CAS Visiting Student Researcher Center for African Studies Visiting Student Researcher Malawi
Joyceline Leonard Marealle Energy and Resources Group Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Tanzania
Tafadzwa Brian Marombedza Fellowship Recipient, Alumni Political Economy Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Zimbabwe
Amanda Marr Chung PhD Candidate School of Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship
Becky Mashaido Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Applied Mathematics Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Nigeria
Victoria Massie Anthropology Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Africa- general
Mark Massoud Jurisprudence and Social Policy Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Sudan
Mpho Matsipa Architecture Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research South Africa
Jocelyn Matthews Fellowship Recipient Middle Eastern Studies Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Laurent Mayali Professor, Faculty Director, Faculty Director Law (Boalt Hall), Comparative Legal Studies Program, Robbins Religious and Civil Law Collection Faculty Africa- general