
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Keziah Mwang'a Fellowship Recipient, Alumna City and Regional Planning Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Barbara Nasila Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Architecture College of Environmental Design Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Grace Newman Fellowship Recipient Development Studies Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Fanice Nyatigo Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Bioengineering Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Thabani Nyoni Fellowship Recipient, Alumni School of Social Welfare Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Zimbabwe
Paula Ochiel Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Development Practice Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Brenda Ogutu Fellowship Recipient, Alumna City and Regional Planning Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Vivian Omondi Information Management and Systems Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Gladys Onyango Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Development Practice Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Victoria Osanyinpeju Undergraduate Student, Conservation Conservation and Resource Studies/Global Poverty and Practice Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Grace Oyenubi Fellowship Recipient, Alumna School of Journalism Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Nigeria
Akash Patel Fellowship Recipient Political Economy Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Serena Patel Fellowship Recipient Energy Engineering and Energy and Resources Fellowship Recipient, Award for Best Undergraduate Thesis in African Studies
Ravina Pattni Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Economics Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Tanzania
Alejandra Perez Rotondo PhD Candidate Socio-cultural Anthropology Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship
Mailess Phiri Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Agricultural and Resource Economics Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Zambia
Diana Quelhas Fellowship Recipient, Alumna School of Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Mozambique
Cynthia Rahman Geist Undergraduate Fellow, Best Undergrad Thesis in African Studies Global Studies Student, Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants Senegal
Tendro Ramaharitra Fellowship Recipient Environmental Science, Policy and Management Fellowship Recipient, Ezera Research for African Doctoral Students, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research, Alumni
Veronarindra Ramananjato PhD Candidate Integrative Biology Student, Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Madagascar