Leonardo Arriola studies ethnic politics, party systems, and political economy in Africa. His current research focuses on the formation of multiethnic electoral coalitions among opposition parties in Africa. He has conducted field research in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Senegal. He has previously been a Fulbright scholar at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University, a visiting researcher at the West African Research Center in Dakar, Senegal, and a predoctoral fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford University. He earned a...
Nicholas Newman (MPP, 2024) conducted field research in the Pita and Labé prefectures of the Fouta Djallon in Guinea in partnership with a large rural farmer’s union. The stories shared by farmers made clear the importance of the relationship between land, debt, and social reproduction.
Program Director and Assistant Adjunct Professor, Master of Development Practice
Goldman School of Public Policy
Michelle Reddy is a political sociologist with interest in international development and organizations. Her recent work has largely focused on social mobilization during crises: Ebola, COVID-19, and the European migration crisis. A second, related line of work focuses on the expansion and professionalization of education nonprofits in developing countries. In 2022 she was...
During his time at UC Berkeley Center for African Studes, Dr. Xiong studied Chinese Investment in Africa, Ethnicity in Madagascar, and French Language. His research theme was "Corporate Social Responsibility in Madagascar and Mauritius and its Influence on Local Ethnic/Political Identity". Dr. Xiong was also a Ph.D. Candidate in the International Relations Department at Tsinghua University, Beijing.