
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Jocelyn Guilbault Professor Music Faculty
Sarah Guth Integrative Biology Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Madagascar
Vicentia Gyau Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Global Studies Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Ghana
Bruce Hall Interim Director, Center for African Studies, Associate Professor, History History, Center for African Studies Director, Advisory Committee, Staff, Faculty Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger
Mohamed Hamed Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies Librarian UC Berkeley Library Faculty, Librarian
Gillian Hart Professor Emeritus Geography Emeritus South Africa
Mubarek Hassen Fellowship Recipient, Alumni Civil and Environmental Engineering Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Ethiopia
Lindsay Hatch Linguistics Student, Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants Côte d'Ivoire
Tyrone Hayes Professor Integrative Biology Faculty Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Neil Henry Professor Emeritus Journalism Emeritus
Sylvan Herskowitz Agricultural and Resource Economics Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Uganda
Percy Hintzen Professor Emeritus African American Studies Emeritus
Leslea Hlusko Professor Integrative Biology Faculty Ethiopia, Kenya
Sarah Holcombe Associate Fellow Bixby Center at UC Berkeley Fellowship Recipient, Faculty, Alumni Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan
Ernest Honya Fellowship Recipient Development Studies Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants Ghana
Robert Hosang Lecturer and Director Public Health Faculty Africa- general
Eric Hsu Economics Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Africa- general
Shakirah Hudani City & Regional Planning Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Rwanda
Anneeth Kaur Hundle Center for African Studies Visiting Professor Uganda
Larry Hyman Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School Linguistics: Phonology; Tonal Geometry; Bantu Languages; Comparative Bantu On-Line Dictionary (CBOLD) African Language Specialist, Emeritus Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda