
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Edward "Ted" Miguel Professor, Faculty Director Economics, Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) Faculty Kenya
Ashley Milller Fellowship Recipient Interdisciplinary Studies Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants, Alumni
Ivy Mills Lecturer, Alumna History of Art, African Diaspora Studies Fellowship Recipient, Faculty, Alumni Senegal
Nick Mills Professor Environmental Science, Policy and Management Faculty Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi
Gwyneth Miner Economics Student, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Africa- general, Kenya
Misbath Daouda Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences Public Health
James Mizes City and Regional Planning Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Africa- general
Donald Moore Associate Professor Anthropology Emeritus Zimbabwe
Alton Tatenda Mpungu Fellowship Recipient, Alumni Development Practice Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Zimbabwe
Allan Mugishagwe Fellowship Recipient Music Fellowship Recipient, Ezera Research for African Doctoral Students, Alumni
Idris Mukhtar Graduate School of Journalism Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Power Mukisa Development Practice Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya, Uganda
Marvin Mulima Fellowship Recipient, Alumni College of Natural Resources Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Uganda
Liya Mulugeta Undergraduate Student, Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants, Alumni
Carlos Mureithi Fellowship Recipient, Alumni School of Journalism Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Rukudzo Muyengwa Fellowship Recipient, Alumna School of Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Zimbabwe
Keziah Mwang'a Fellowship Recipient, Alumna City and Regional Planning Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Barbara Nasila Fellowship Recipient, Alumna Architecture College of Environmental Design Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Ashtari Negar Geography Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Botswana
Jelani Nelson Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Advisory Committee, Faculty Ethiopia