
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Kwanele Sosibo Lecturer History of Art
David Kyeu Lecturer African American Studies Advisory Committee, African Language Specialist, Faculty Kenya
C. K. Ladzekpo Lecturer Music Faculty Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Niger, Togo
Ileita Lafitte Fellowship Recipient Anthropology Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Joseph Lample Social and Cultural Studies in Education Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Uganda
Ann Laudati Lecturer Geography Friend of CAS Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda
Jean Lave Professor Emeritus Education Emeritus
Christina Law Fellowship Recipient Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Phuoc Le Assistant Professor School of Public Health Faculty
Sarah Lebu Fellowship Recipient, Alumna School of Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Kenya
Sayana Lee Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Peggy G. Lemaux Cooperative Extension Specialist Plant Biology Faculty
David Leonard Professor Emeritus Political Science Emeritus
John Letiche Professor Economics Ancestor Nigeria
Zachary Levenson Sociology Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Africa- general, South Africa
Ermelinda Liberato Center for African Studies Visiting Scholar Angola
Adam Lichtenheld Political Science Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Africa- general
Nicole List Geography Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Senegal
Haikun Liu Economics Fellowship Recipient, Award for Best Undergraduate Thesis in African Studies Africa- general, Ethiopia
Rita Lucarelli Associate Professor of Egyptology, Faculty Curator of Egyptology Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology Faculty Egypt