
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Misbath Daouda Assistant Professor School of Public Health, Environmental Health Sciences Faculty Ghana, Zambia
James Davies Professor Music Faculty South Africa
Alain DeJanvry Professor of the Graduate School Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy Faculty
Jeroen Dewulf Professor Dutch Faculty
Richard Dodd Professor Environmental Science, Policy and Management Faculty Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal
Thad Dunning Professor, Director Political Science, Center on the Politics of Development Faculty Mali
Ivor Emmanuel Director Berkeley International Office Faculty South Africa
Amlaku Eshetie Lecturer African American Studies African Language Specialist, Faculty Ethiopia
Mariane Ferme Professor, Curator of African Ethnology Anthropology, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology Faculty Sierra Leone
Laurence Frank Associate Research Psychologist Psychology Faculty Kenya
Mia Fuller Associate Professor Italian Studies Faculty Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya
Paul Gertler Professor, Scientific Director Public Health, Center for Effective Global Action Faculty Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa
Jocelyn Guilbault Professor Music Faculty
Bruce Hall Interim Director, Center for African Studies, Associate Professor, History History, Center for African Studies Director, Advisory Committee, Staff, Faculty Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger
Mohamed Hamed Middle Eastern and Near Eastern Studies Librarian UC Berkeley Library Faculty, Librarian
Tyrone Hayes Professor Integrative Biology Faculty Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Leslea Hlusko Professor Integrative Biology Faculty Ethiopia, Kenya
Sarah Holcombe Associate Fellow Bixby Center at UC Berkeley Fellowship Recipient, Faculty, Alumni Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan
Robert Hosang Lecturer and Director Public Health Faculty Africa- general
Sharon Inkelas Professor Linguistics African Language Specialist, Faculty Nigeria