
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Martha Saavedra Associate Director Center for African Studies Advisory Committee, Staff, Faculty, Alumni Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Sudan
Sabrina Boyce Assistant Professor Public Health Faculty
Zak Sabry Professor Emeritus Public Health Emeritus
Adetutu Sadiq Fellowship Recipient, Alumna School of Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Nigeria
Elisabeth Sadoulet Professor Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy Faculty
Raul Sanchez de la Sierra Assistant Professor Public Policy, University of Chicago Friend of CAS Democratic Republic of the Congo
Hannah Sande Associate Professor Linguistics African Language Specialist, Faculty Côte d'Ivoire
Ashley Sango Fellowship Recipient, Alumna School of Public Health Fellowship Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Alumni Zimbabwe
Jade Sasser Anthropology Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Madagascar
Sarah Sawyer Environmental Science, Policy and Management Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Cameroon
Alexis Schaffler Landscape Architecture Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship South Africa
Jeffrey Schauer History Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Pre-dissertation Research Africa- general
Nancy Scheper-Hughes Professor Emeritus Anthropology Emeritus
Alice Schmidt Visiting Student Researcher Africa- general
Cheryl Schmitz Anthropology Fellowship Recipient, Rocca Dissertation Research Fellowship Angola
Peer Schouten Visiting Scholar, IPIS - The International Peace Information Service Geography Friend of CAS Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Peter Schulte Fellowship Recipient Conservation and Resource Studies/Comparative Literature Fellowship Recipient, Geist and Rosberg Undergraduate Research Grants
Jason Schultz Former UCB Africana Librarian Now at Vanderbilt University Friend of CAS Zimbabwe
Abdourahmane Seck Center for African Studies Visiting Scholar Senegal
Meron Semedar Student Services Advisor, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program Center for African Studies Staff Eritrea, South Africa