
Name Job title Department Role Topics
Edward "Ted" Miguel Professor, Faculty Director Economics, Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) Faculty Kenya
Ivy Mills Lecturer, Alumna History of Art, African Diaspora Studies Fellowship Recipient, Faculty, Alumni Senegal
Nick Mills Professor Environmental Science, Policy and Management Faculty Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi
Donald Moore Associate Professor Anthropology Faculty Zimbabwe
Jelani Nelson Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Advisory Committee, Faculty Ethiopia
Zamansele Nsele Assistant Professor History of Art Faculty South Africa, Zimbabwe
G. Ugo Nwokeji Associate Professor African American Studies Faculty Nigeria
Stefania Pandolfo Professor Anthropology Faculty Morocco, Senegal
Amy Pickering Assistant Professor, Distinguished Chair in Global Poverty and Practice Civil and Environmental Engineering, Blum Center Faculty Benin, Kenya, Mali, Tanzania
Claude Potts Librarian, Lusophone and Francophone African literatures UC Berkeley Library Librarian, Faculty
Malcolm Potts Bixby Professor Public Health Faculty Africa- general, Angola, South Africa
Ndola Prata Professor School of Public Health - Maternal and Child Health Advisory Committee, Faculty Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania
Onja Razafindratsima Associate Professor Integrative Biology Faculty Madagascar
Michelle Reddy Program Director and Assistant Adjunct Professor, Master of Development Practice Goldman School of Public Policy Faculty Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone
Art Reingold Professor and Division Head Epidemiology Faculty Central African Republic, Zimbabwe
Vince Resh Professor Environmental Science, Policy and Management Faculty
Ricarda Hammer Assistant Professor Sociology Faculty
Martha Saavedra Associate Director Center for African Studies Advisory Committee, Staff, Faculty, Alumni Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Sudan
Sabrina Boyce Assistant Professor Public Health Faculty
Elisabeth Sadoulet Professor Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy Faculty