
Study Abroad

UC Berkeley Summer Abroad offers a summer program in Ghana "Pan Afrikan Social Movements: Past, Present and Future." Through the University of California Education Abroad Program, there are options in Botswana, Ghana, Morocco and South Africa.

Financial assistance is available. Visit the...

$1,000 scholarship to study in Ghana in summer 2024

February 9, 2024

UC Berkeley students who join the Summer 2024 study abroad program "Pan Afrikan Social Movements: Past, Present and Future" in Ghana will receive a $1,000 scholarship! Deadline to apply is March 15, 2024.

Collaboration brings 5 Ashesi University students to UCB

March 7, 2023

Via a collaboration with the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology and Ashesi University in Ghana, the Center for African Studies via the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, is able to bring five Ashesi undergraduate innovators to UC Berkeley. The students include Abigail Efua Tetteh (Ghana), Judercio Nhauche (Mozambique), Mcebo Vincent Hlanze (Eswatini), Sandra Nettey (Ghana), and Styve Zeumo Lekane (Cameroon).

Yao Doe

PhD Candidate
School of Public Health

Mickey Boakye

PhD Candidate
Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Ezera Research for African Students

Application Instructions and Forms (link)


Emeka Kalu Ezera, Graduate Student Instructor and doctoral candidate in Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley, was killed tragically, July 12, 1990 in an automobile accident while traveling in Nigeria.

Born on April 30, 1959, Emeka was the first of four sons of Professor Kalu and Mrs.Onuma Ezera, who came...

Francis Annan

Assistant Professor
Agricultural and Resource Economics

Ernest Honya

Fellowship Recipient
Development Studies

Armittage Adjah Annang

Fellowship Recipient, Alumni
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences