
Leonardo Arriola

Director, Associate Dean, Professor of Political Science
Political Science
Center for African Studies
College of Letters and Sciences

Leonardo Arriola studies ethnic politics, party systems, and political economy in Africa. His current research focuses on the formation of multiethnic electoral coalitions among opposition parties in Africa. He has conducted field research in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Senegal. He has previously been a Fulbright scholar at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University, a visiting researcher at the West African Research Center in Dakar, Senegal, and a predoctoral fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford University. He earned a...

Paul de Morais

Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for African Studies

Paul de Morais (they/them) studies and teaches literature and culture of the Romantic period (French, German, British, Anglo-American, Spanish, and Portuguese), focusing especially on prose and the novel. In their dissertation they analyzed the fiction of George Sand, Honoré de Balzac, and Bettine von Arnim in relation to discourses about genre framing the authors' works and the interwoven topics of gender, politics, aesthetics (idealism and realism), nature, and idealist philosophy. They show how the novel writing practices and literary ideologies of Sand, Balzac, and Arnim, which took...

Tami Driver

Special Projects Officer
Center for African Studies

Tami Driver is the Special Projects Officer at the Center for Africa Studies where she oversees Fellowships, Grants, and the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program.

Martha Saavedra

Associate Director
Center for African Studies

Martha Saavedra has been with the Center for African Studies since 1993. She received a PhD and MA in a Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley and a BA in International Studies from Rhodes College. She has taught at St. Mary’s College of California, Ohio University, the...

Meron Semedar

Student Services Advisor, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program
Center for African Studies