Rocca Dissertation Research

Application Instructions and Forms (link)


In memory of her parents Andrew and Mary Thompson Rocca, Helen Rocca Goss established by her will an endowment to support students at the University of California, Berkeley.

The endowment supports student scholars at the advanced graduate level concentrating in African Studies. Funds may be requested for maintenance, travel, or research costs, as appropriate to enhance dissertation research in Africa in the upcoming academic year. Rocca funds are intended to supplement, not substitute for, other grants. Students are encouraged to apply to other sources as well. Awards are typically made in amounts up to $10,000.

The Rocca Scholar program gives priority to advanced graduate students who show exceptional promise of advancing scholarship in some field of African Studies. Recipients of the award will carry the title Andrew and Mary Thompson Rocca Scholars, and must be advanced to candidacy before an award is made. Students are eligible for support regardless of previous fellowships from other sources.

A total of no more than two years of support will be provided to a recipient of this fellowship; applications for the second year of support will be considered along with other applications for that year. Recipients will be expected to provide, within six months of the termination of the award or before application for a second year of support, a report on progress made during the fellowship year.

Recipients are also expected to make a public presentation for the Center for African Studies on their work sometime during or following the tenure of their award.

Recipients must submit photo from the field that the Center can use, copyright free, on our website. Basic information about Rocca fellows and their research will be published on the web site and in the newsletter of the Center.

Read The Art of Writing Proposals(link is external) (Pzreworski & Saloman) and browse these other resources for tips on your grant application.