Gloria Kahamba was recently named among the Top 25 Women in Management Africa and was featured in 9to5Chick’s Top 100 Career Women in Africa, which testifies to the leader she has become on the African continent. She was a Mastercard Foundation Scholar at UC Berkeley, earning her master’s degree in Public Health.
Gloria has always been passionate about healthcare, and...
On December 3, 2024, students studying Swahili at the University of California, Berkeley, gathered at Swahili Spot Restaurant in Oakland for an immersive cultural and linguistic experience. The event featured a buffet of East African delicacies,...
Zhejiang Normal University, Host of The National Social Science Fund of China Project on China African Cooperation 2021-2024, China Agricultural University
Carlos Mureithi always loved writing. He wanted to become a professional writer so that he could tell important stories. In high school he regularly wrote letters to the editor of The Standard, one of Keyna’s largest newspapers, and he decided that he wanted to pursue journalism. After spending five years working at the Daily Nation in Kenya, Mureithi desired to...
Rocca and FLAS fellowship recipient, Annelise Gill-Wiehl’s conducts research on the affect of efficient cookstoves in Tanzania. Gill-Wiehl, Daniel Kammen, and Kathrine Lau’s findings share that these cookstoves are “overestimated” in their carbon saving credit. Other news media outlets such as the Financial Times have picked up this story revealing “flawed measures of emission”, click...