
Understanding the Horn of Africa


From 2005 to 2013, the Center for African Studies undertook two projects, Understanding Sudan and Understanding the Horn of Africa, to provide university-level curriculum addressing issues affecting countries in the Horn of Africa: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan. The United States Department of Education provided funding through the Title VI...

Tamara Kerzhner

PhD Candidate
City & Regional Planning

Dan Miswa Basil

PhD Student
Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Ezera Research for African Students

Application Instructions and Forms (link)


Emeka Kalu Ezera, Graduate Student Instructor and doctoral candidate in Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley, was killed tragically, July 12, 1990 in an automobile accident while traveling in Nigeria.

Born on April 30, 1959, Emeka was the first of four sons of Professor Kalu and Mrs.Onuma Ezera, who came...

James Bartolome

Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Elizabeth Burns Dyer

Center for African Studies

Dr. Dyer specializes in African history, performing arts and theater history. She received her PhD in History from the University of Pennsylvania in 2017. During her research on the political history of theater in Kenya, she collaborated with a number of Kenyan playwrights and theater groups. Her work offers new insights into the role of theatrical productions as political critique.

Sahara Farah Abdi

Fellowship Recipient, Alumna

Situated Brainstorming: Field Site Scoping in East Africa

February 22, 2017

Christine Wilkinson with an eagle

This past summer, I was able to use the generous support of a Rocca Pre-Dissertation Fellowship in order to explore potential field sites, network with communities and wildlife managers, and...