Zoom Webinars Thursday, 4:00-5:00 PM Pacific Time
(except on Nov. 18 when seminar is at 5:00 PM)
Given the COVID uncertainties we will continue to hold these webinar sessions virtually via Zoom. Please register for the Zoom webinar here:
9 September 2021 | Research Talk
Politics and Political Orders after Civil War in Africa
Scott Straus, Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley
23 September 2021| Book Talk
Salafism and Political Order in Africa
Sebastian Elischer, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Florida
7 October 2021 | Research Talk
For Whom the Bus Rolls? Workers, Planning and Access in African Cities
Tamara Kerzhner, PhD Candidate, City & Regional Planning, Rocca Dissertation Fellow
21 October 2021 | Book Talk
Filtering Histories: The Photographic Bureaucracy in Mozambique, 1960 to Recent Times
Drew Thompson, Associate Professor, Historical and Africana Studies, and Director of Africana Studies, CCS Bard College
18 November 2021 at 5:00 PM New Date and Time| Research Talk
ReOrienting the World: with or without Africa?
Kwame Nimako, Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam
2 December 2021 | Book Talk
Senegal Abroad: Linguistic Borders, Racial Formations, and Diasporic Imaginaries
Maya Angela Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of French and Italian Studies, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Linguistics, Affiliate Faculty, Comparative History of Ideas; Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity; Center for Canadian Studies, Core Faculty- Graduate Certificate in Second and Foreign Language Teaching, , University of Washington. Winner of the 2021 MLA French and Francophone Studies book prize.
A Home of Our Own: South African Apartheid, Soviet Nationalities Policy, and Transnational Histories of National Self-Determination
Hilary Lynd, PhD Candidate, Department of History, Rocca Dissertation Fellow
If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in these webinar sessions, please contact Martha Saavedra at asc@berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7 days in advance of the event.